Abraham , Kerstin
Installation zu "Metamorphosen", München 2023, Edding+Guache auf Zeitung / Fayence, Unterglasur-Grafitti, Scharffeuer auf Industrieporzellan
© Kerstin Abraham
Kerstin Abraham "Rom" 2021, Scharffeuer auf historische. Industrieporzellan
© Kerstin Abraham
Kerstin Abraham, Auswahl bemaltes Geschirr, Fayence, Graffiti/Unterglasur, historische. Industrieporzellan
© Kerstin Abraham
Kerstin Abraham's work is located between two- and three-dimensionality, ceramics and graphics; she draws on tableware that she has produced or tracked down herself as well as on paper. Drawing or ornament?
Wolf Abraham