Li , Sihui
Sihui Li, #6, Basalt, Schwarzer Jaspis, Oxidiertes Silber, Stahldraht,2022
Sihui Li, #13, Roter Jaspis, Silber, Stahl, 2022
Sihui Li, #10, Schwarzer Jaspis, oxydiertes Silber, Stahldraht, 2022
My work always revolves around stones. It starts with the stone part that influences the subsequent development. I focus on exploring form, colour, texture, and functions, almost all elements follow form. I always try to translate my will into stone. I am also often seduced by the beauty of the stone to choose the unique randomness of it. It is in the tension between these two forces that my work is accomplished. The fascination of testing and exploring this boundary is what drives me to work.