Udvardi-Lakos , Tim
Tim Udvardi-Lakos, Kapsel, 925/000 Silber & Paracordschnur, 2022
Tim Udvardi-Lakos, Kapsel, 925/000 Silber & Paracordschnur, 2022
Tim Udvardi-Lakos, Kapsel, 925/000 Silber & Paracordschnur, 2022
Tim is a master goldsmith and freelance metal designer. His work is a symbiosis of the traditional values and qualities of the craft with future-oriented design principles and methods. The central motif of his work is emptiness; the focus is on a consistent reduction to the essential. His works thus offer a projection surface, a free space, for his own thoughts, emotions and objects. This free space can be filled and charged individually.