Stockner , Laurenz
Autor: Laurenz Stockner, Schalenpaar aus heimischem Kupfer, Durchmesser 650 mm; 480mm, Jahr 2021
Autor: Laurenz Stockner, Schale aus heimischem Kupfer, Durchmesser 610mm, Jahr 2021
Autor: Laurenz Stockner, Schalenpaar aus Tombak,Patina a Fuoco, Durchmesser 790mm; 630mm, Jahr 2021
From origin to form
The heart of my work is the path from the local cement copper from Prettau (in South Tyrol, Italy) to the artistically designed copper bowl: from the smelting of the raw material in a specially constructed shaft furnace, to the re-melting and casting of copper ingots, to the forging of sheets and the forging of the bowl form. The traces of this process materialize in a unique type of surface, which is the unmistakable character of my bowls.