Wilhelm , Christiane
Lady Ambassador of Spring / Höhe : 51 cm
House of Queen Bee / Höhe : 52 cm
Sister of Sand / Höhe : 49 cm
Clearly constructed vessels with a history-related background. The amphora has stood its ground throughout the ages of art history. It served as a storage container, but also as a representative object. I have chosen it as a carrier for structures found in nature. The result is a series of amphorae and vessels with different surface designs, which, despite their differences, have a natural connection to each other.
The shape of the vessel is rotationally symmetrical, the various surfaces are created by notched, cut, scratched and engraved structures. Shiny contrasts with matt surfaces, fluted with velvety, haptically sensual - and all stand on a slender but secure foot to create a dancing lightness.