Obermaier , Julia
Julia Obermaier, Verborgen (Brosche), Aventurinquarz, Grünquarz, Gießharz, Pigment, Edelstahl, 2021
Julia Obermaier, Verborgen (Brosche), Labradorith, Gießharz, Pigment, Edelstahl, 2021
Julia Obermaier, Verborgen (Brosche), Bergkristall, Gießharz, Pigment, Edelstahl, 2022
The gemstone is the force that drives me in my creative work.
On the one hand, it is the exploration of the materiality and the approach to the limits and secrets of the stones. On the other hand, it is the semiotic charge, meaning and use of gemstones in our society. The world of gemstones is always the core of my artistic work.
In a reciprocal process of grasping and comprehending, new pieces and spaces emerge for the wearer.
The feelings create the form.
They nestle.
Protecting the wearer.